The Perfect Fried Egg - The Correct Procedure
Having taken our egg(s) from the refrigerator at least a couple of hours previously,we are ready to proceed with the frying.
Add a little oil to a non-stick pan and gently bring it up to a medium heat.As the pan is heating,crack your egg in to a small cup or bowl.
When the pan has reached the required heat,very gently tip the egg in to it.If the egg starts to over-spread itself around the pan,it has either been too cold or you have added too much oil.Hopefully,neither will be the case and we can watch our egg gently fry for two or three minutes.
If you wish your egg to be sunny side up,fry it for a total of about four minutes for a medium textured yolk,or more or less dependant upon your taste.If,however,you intend doing as I have done in the photograph to the right and wish to put your fried egg on a bread roll,I suggest you turn it very carefully with a plastic spatula after about three minutes and allow it to cook on the other side for a couple of minutes.
Remove the egg from the pan and serve as required.