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Dear Mum I watched a video about Sunshine Town.It is a new town in Beijing.It is only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground.There is less air pollution there than in other areas of Beijing.Most of Class1,Grade 7 students live in flats because they love to live close to each other.There are some shopping malls in Sunshine Town.You can find all your souvenirs there.If you want to eat Chinese food,you can go to Star Shopping Mall,and there are some Western restaurants too.If you like Beijing Opera,you can go to the local theatre.How do you like Sunshine Town,Mum?I really enjoy my stay here.Tom
1.How far is it from the centre of Beijing to Sunshine Town?
2.Why do the students live in flats?
3.Where can you buy souvenirs?
4.Are there any Western restaurants in Sunshine Town?
5.What can you enjoy in the local theatre?
人气:418 ℃ 时间:2020-03-18 11:53:38
,我看了视频在阳光城.这是一个新市镇在北京.这只是40分钟,从北京乘地铁.空气污染较少有比在其他地区.大多数class1,七年级的学生住在公寓里,因为他们喜欢住在靠近对方 把汉语意思给你看 你自己看看吧
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