> 英语 >
内容:The word of the day for March third is declension,spelled d-e-c-l-e-n-s-i-on.
Declension is a noun that means a noun adjective or pronoun inflection especially in some prescribe order of the forms,or a classive nouns or adjectives having the same type of an inflectional forms.It can also mean a falling of away a deterioration,or a descent or slope.
Here is the word used in a sentence.
The most common declension in modern English is the set of nouns that forms their plurals with a simple S.
The word declension came into English via middle French in the first half of the 15th century,originating in the Latin verb declenaray,meaning to inflect or to turn a side.
The word seems to have a wider way of its time in the narrow field of grammar until Shakespeare put a sense of the word in his playwith these lines:A beauty winning and distressed widow seduced the pitch and height of the degree to base acclimation and lows /.
These deterioration senses led within a few decades to the newest sense of the word still in common in use,descent or slope.
In 19th century,still another new sense of the word,meaning a / refusal,but the sense has remained quite rare.如果里面有什么短语或是比较难的语法点,可以的话就帮我解析一下,我英语语法较不好……
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