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外面正在刮大风 英语怎么说
1 外面正在刮大风 / 昨晚的风很大
2 风 越来越大 / 越来越小
3 风 变大了 / 变小了
4 风太大了,都睁不开眼睛,还是戴个眼镜好了
5 昨天的大风刮了一整天,很多树木被吹到了。
人气:140 ℃ 时间:2020-04-25 17:03:04
1." It's windy outside./ The wind is blowing strongly outside./
The wind was blowing strongly last night."
2. " The wind is getting stronger and stronger./ weaker and weaker.
3." The wind turned into a gale. / a breeze."
4. " It's hard to open the eyes because of such a strong wind.
You'd better wear a pair of glasses."
5." The hign wind was blowing for a whole day, as the result, many trees have fallen down."

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