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When you reading English tests,you don't need to read every piece in the same way.Some tests can be skimmed only.For example newspaper article ,before deciding whetheryou want to read them or not.Noewls are resd for fun,so you want to read on without looking up all words in a dictionary.But articles that contain many facts and a lot of information should be read carefully.You need to go deep into them and pay attentionto grammar and all difficult words.
Thinking in sounds ,pictures and actions
You can remember words and grammar rules better by connecting what you learn with sounds,pictures and actions.If you are trying to remember a new word,you must know its pronunciation and then its meaning in the cintext.Are there pictures or actions that you think of when you see the word?Does the meaning of the word remind you of somenthing that you know or have done?By writing down what the word makes you feel and think of ,you will remember the word better.

人气:131 ℃ 时间:2024-09-18 07:34:18

When you are reading English tests,you don't need to read every piece in the same way.
Some tests can be skimmed only,for example,newspaper articles,before deciding whether you want to read them or not.
Novels are read for fun,so you want to read on without looking up all words in a dictionary.
But articles that contain many facts and a lot of information should be read carefully.
You need to go deep into them and pay attentionto grammar and all difficult words.你需要深入进去,注意语法,还有一些生涩的字词.
Thinking in sounds ,pictures and actions
You can remember words and grammar rules better by connecting what you learn with sounds,pictures and actions.
If you are trying to remember a new word,you must know its pronunciation and then its meaning in the context.
Are there pictures or actions that you think of when you see the word?
Does the meaning of the word remind you of somenthing that you know or have done?
By writing down what the word makes you feel and think of ,you will remember the word better.

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