名词:表示人或事物名称的词.book pen window
冠词:the an a
陈述句:陈述一件事情.He is a teacher .He isn't a student .
Are you reading a book
Where are you
Do you come from the UK or the USA .
He bought a dictionary ,didn't he
主语:动作的执行者.we they Li Ming
谓语:表动作行为或状态的词.be study watch
宾语:主语动作的对象,一般由名词,代词,不定式充当.desk him to buy
宾语分双宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语),复合宾语 两种.
I gave him a flower .(双宾语)
He made us laugh ,(复合宾语)
再问: 我学习的是韩语··
再答: 你好! 我是一名英语教师,不懂韩语,爱莫能助。 建议你去翻阅有关的韩语参考书籍!可能更详细一些。