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人气:359 ℃ 时间:2024-06-28 02:20:41

我的未来 很多人或许都经历过,在小小的年纪便被别人问起长大后要做什么。“科学家”,“医生”,“警察”······这些职业应都被当时童真的我们说起过。当时我们说这些,很多时候自然并未经过认真的思考,而往往只是出于一种单纯的情结,抑或是某一段时间所受的影响。但当我们渐渐长大变得成熟,我们便开始思考自己将来想要从事的职业,勾画未来的人生蓝图。 可是,人生不会总是一帆风顺,我们内心珍惜的东西很多时候往往不得不在人生的海洋上改变航向。 曾经,我很期待自己将来成为一名医生,悬壶济世救死扶伤。但在高考的独木桥上,却与医学院失之交臂,而学了现在的专业。从而,我曾为自己勾勒的人生蓝图完全被颠覆掉。尽管进了大学,但缺少了一直以来奋斗的目标,让我一度感觉很迷茫。可生活总要继续,我不能停留在原地徘徊惆怅,而应一直往前走。 虽说我现在缺少具体的职业目标,但对目前学的专业还是有一些想法的。在我看来,大学本科毕业达到英语专业八级水平应是比较高的水平了。如果没有研究英语的兴趣,我认为在英语专业方面就没有再读研的必要了。毕竟,英语是一门交流的工具,只有在具体实践和操作应用中才能真正发挥它的价值,所以,我
再问: 英语哦!
再问: 但也谢谢你啦!那么辛苦帮我回答问题。
再答: My dream job will be working in one of the biggest international accounting firm as an accountant. I want to be an accountant because I love mathematics and business so much. Also, being an accountant can help me to explore my knowledge of business and provide me a board range of network among the business world. I need to do a lot in order to achieve my goal. First, I have to get an undergraduate degree in accounting from college. Then I might either to go graduate school for a more advanced degree in accounting or get prepare for the CPA exam. With the CPA lisence, I have a better opportunity to get a job in the accounting firm. Finally, with my experience in the accounting firm, I can apply accounting position in the international accounting firm and to serve as an accountant there! 参考资料:www.engessay.com/daxue/133954577.html 紫林蜜露 | 2009-04-23 69 3 百度知道 作业帮 宝宝知道 今日头条 言情小说 91助手 女生秘密 汽车报价 秀美甲 美摄 酷狗音乐 暴风影音 相关问题 英语作文关于未来职业的191 未来的工作英语作文56 英语作文未来的职业29 未来的职业英语作文9 急需一篇六年级英语作文我的未来职业8 写一篇30字左右的英语作文 写未来我想从事哪种职业 60词左右33 写一篇关于未来城市的英语作文197 更多相关问题>> 用作业帮一键提问“写一篇关...”问题 其他回答 vngfh a136684242 | 2009-04-23 4 0 My dream job will be working in one of the biggest international accounting firm as an accountant. I want to be an accountant because I love mathematics and business so much. Also, being an accountant can help me to explore my knowledge of business and provide me a board range of network among the business world. I need to do a lot in order to achieve my goal. First, I have to get an undergraduate degree in accounting from college. Then I might either to go graduate school for a more advanced de .
再问: 厉害!但是我这个小学生看不懂。不少于5句话就行。但我还是给你好吧!

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