Getting the best out of students
Where do you rank in your class? Are you at the top, in the middle, or at the bottom? Teachers and schools are not supposed to rank students in this way, but it’s hard not to. And every student knows where he or she stands in relation to other students. Like it or not, there is competition in the classroom.
Teachers and schools are always focused on getting the best out of each student. They provide lessons, assignments and extra help so that all students can pass exams and get the education they need. But not all students can be top students. Some students are just smarter than others, and some students just work harder than others. So, does ranking really matter?
A school in Inner Mongolia (内蒙古) thinks it does. Recently, they started giving bright red uniforms to the top 100 students in their school. And another school in Xi’an thinks ranking is important, too, but in a different direction. They made students with poor grades wear green scarves. Both of these schools came in for a lot of criticism and eventually stopped this odd practice of “ranking by colorful clothes.”
Those schools were probably sincere in what they were trying to do. They were trying to motivate students to perform better by using rewards and punishment. But this kind of motivation can be harmful; it can divide the class and put extra pressure on students.
There are many ways that schools try to motivate students, but students can also find motivation within themselves. As long as
you’re trying to “be the best that you can be,” then ranking is really unimportant.
人气:284 ℃ 时间:2020-05-30 09:36:10
你在班上的排名怎样?是上等,中等,还是在底部?教师和学校不应该用这种方法来排列学生,但这很难.每一个学生都知道他或她与其他学生的关系【这里大概就是说排名的前后】.不管喜欢与否,这就是在教室里的竞争. 教师和学...