> 英语 >
I have an aunt who is deaf and lives alone.To communicate____her when we visit,we write in her notebook.Her birthday is in March.
Lsat year she was 96 years old.I thought about things I could get her____aside from food there wasn't much she needed.Later,I had___good idea.Idecided to send emails out to a few friends.I ____ (tell) every one about my aunt and asked them____they could please take a few minutes and help celebrate her birthday by___(send) a card to her.
Little did i know how this request would impact so many people,especially my aunt!My friends asked their own friends____(join) in.The cards started arriving evety day for a month!My aunt was so ____(excite)!She couldn't believe so many people were thinking about___.She receiver over 50 cards!
Something so little ____ takes just a few minutes to do means the world to her.
人气:224 ℃ 时间:2020-02-05 19:09:26
withsetatoldwhether sendingtojoin excited herthat 哥们,仅供参考啊,有啥不明白的再问啊1):固定搭配吗?4):为什么是told ?不能用将来时吗?10):不懂。1固定搭配4与asked them相对应10我认为是先行词引导定语从句
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