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人气:263 ℃ 时间:2020-06-14 10:23:07
ever ['evә]
/ ˈevə(r); ˋɛvɚ/ adv
(usu in negative sentences and questions,or sentences expressing doubt or condition; usu placed before the v 通常用於否定句和疑问句,或用於含有表示怀疑或条件成分的句中,通常置於动词之前) at any time 在任何时候; 从来:Nothing ever happens in this village.这个村里从未发生过任何事.* Do you ever wish you were rich?你曾希望过自己很富吗?* She seldom,if ever,goes to the cinema.她难得看电影.* If you ever visit London,you must come and stay with us.你要是到伦敦来,一定要到我们这里住住.
(with the perfect tenses in questions 用於疑问句中的完成时态) at any time up to the present 曾; 曾经:`Have you ever flown a helicopter?' `No,never.' ‘你坐过直升飞机吗?’‘没有,从未坐过.’ * `Have you ever seen an elephant?' `Yes I have.' ‘你见过大象吗?’‘见过.’ * I wondered if he'd ever stopped to think how I felt.我不知道他是否曾考虑过我的感受.(Ever is rarely used in the answer:say either `Yes I have' or `No,never',etc.ever很少作回答用语,回答时用`Yes,I have.'或`No,never.'等)
(with comparatives after than or with superlatives 与比较级的词连用,置於than之后; 或与最高级的词连用) at any time (before/up till now) 在任何时候(之前[直至现在]):It's raining harder than ever.雨下得更大了.* This is the best work you've ever done.这是你所做的最好的工作.* He hated her more than ever,when he got that letter.他接到那封信后,越发憎恨她了.
ever- (in compounds 用以构成复合词) always,continuously 总是; 不停地:the ever-growing problem * the ever-increasing cost of food.
(infml dated 口,旧) (after as...as,as an intensifier 用於as ...as之后以加强语气):Work as hard as ever you can!尽你最大努力工作!
(used after when,where,etc 用於when、 where等之后):When/Where/How ever did you lose it?你究竟在什麽时候[什麽地方/怎麽]把它弄丢的?* What ever do you mean?你到底是什麽意思?
(idm 习语) (as) bad,good,etc as `ever; (as) badly,well,etc as `ever bad,badly,etc to the same degree as before (usu surprisingly so) 和以前一样坏、 好...(通常含惊讶之意):Despite the good weather forecast,the next morning was as wet as ever.尽管预报称天气很好,但次日上午仍阴雨绵绵.* He broke his arm last year but he plays the piano as skilfully as ever.他去年胳膊折了,但现在弹起钢琴来仍像以前那样自如.did you ever (...)!(infml 口) (used as part of a rhetorical question or used alone to express surprise,indignation,disbelief,etc 用於反问句或单独使用,表示惊讶、 愤怒、 怀疑等):Did you ever hear such nonsense!你听过这种胡言乱语吗!* It cost 50p to go to the toilet; well,did you `ever!去一趟厕所要50便士; 哼,真是闻所未闻!ever and anon (dated or fml 旧或文) several times,at regular intervals 几次; 一阵一阵地.ever more (fml 文) increasingly; more and more 越发地; 越来越:She became ever more nervous as the interview continued.她在面试过程中越来越紧张.ever since (...) continuously since (a specified time) 自从:ever since I was at school 自从我上学以来.ever so/ever such (a) (infml 口 esp Brit) very; to a very great degree 非常; 在极大程度上:He's ever so rich.他很富.* ever such a handsome man 非常漂亮的男子.for ever and `ever (rhet or joc 修辞或谑):Once he gets a drink in his hand he's here for ever and ever.他手里一有了酒就永远也动不了地方了.if ,ever there `was one of that there is no doubt; that is certainly true 无可置疑; 确实:That was a fine meal if ever there was one!那确实是一顿丰盛的饭!yours `ever/ever `yours (infml 口) (sometimes used at the end of a letter,before the signature 有时用於书信结尾处的签字前).
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