> 英语 >
have difficulty doing sth
可以写成 have difficulties doing sth
人气:460 ℃ 时间:2020-02-05 22:46:05
have a difficulty (in) doing sth 或者 have difficulties doing sth你好,你说的对。 have some difficulties with sth have difficulty in doing sth 不同的短语形式,一个意思。difficulty在做下面意思时是不可数的: 1.困难,艰难: I had no difficulty in getting in touch with him. 我和他取得联系没有什么困难。 在下面几种意思时是可数的: 2. 难事,难处,难题 There are a lot of difficulties that have to be overcome. 有许多困难必须克服。 3. 争论 Labor difficulties grew. 劳工纠纷加剧。 在以下意思时本身就是复数形式: 4. (尤指财务上的)困境;危难 The new government is in financial difficulties. 新政府财政困难。 5. 异议,反对 He keeps raising difficulties over the new project. 他对这项新工程不断地横加阻挠。 参考资料: Dr.eye译典通字典
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