He tries( )in class but often fails.填sleep的什么形式或否定的什么形式 填介词 turn right( )the
traffic lights.
The treins from Shanxi to Beijing usually go( )some tunnels.
Your parents are walking( )the stairs.
Walk( )the table many times.
Jill's going to(report it to the head teacher)this evening.问成( )( )Jill going( )( )this evening?
人气:128 ℃ 时间:2020-06-21 17:50:45
He tries (not to sleep) in class but often fails.他尽力不在课堂上睡觉,但是通常失败.
turn right (to) the traffic lights.向右转到红绿灯处
The trains from Shanxi to Beijing usually go (through) some tunnels.山西到北京的火车通常要穿过一些隧道.
Your parents are walking (up/down) the stairs.你父母在向上/向下爬楼梯.
Walk (around) the table many times.绕着桌子走很多遍.
(What is) Jill going (to do) this evening?Jill 今晚要干什么?
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