> 英语 >
Essay Prompt:
At the end of the 19th century,the United States began to change the course of its foreign policy.Explain why the U.S.strengthened its presence in the Americas and beyond and how these actions reinforced or revised earlier national foreign policy.Evaluate whether these actions helped America elevate its status in the world and whether that was good for our country.You must use a minimum of 15 of the following terms in your essay.
Washington’s Farewell Address
Monroe Doctrine
Manifest Destiny
President William McKinley
Alfred Thayer Mahan “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History”
Albert Beveridge “March of the Flag”
Spanish-American War:Cuba
Yellow Journalism
The Maine
Samoan Islands
Panama Canal
Big Stick Diplomacy
Sphere of Influence
Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis
Boxer Rebellion
Social Darwinism
World War I
President Theodore Roosevelt
Secretary of State John Hay
Roosevelt Corollary
Venezuelan Crisis
Open Door policy
Annexation of Hawaii
Philippines,Emilio Aguinaldo
Josiah Strong “Our Country”
Zimmerman telegram
Wilson’s 14 points
Treaty of Versailles
Collective Security
Henry Cabot Lodge
League of Nations
Woodrow Wilson
“Banana Republic”
人气:296 ℃ 时间:2020-06-10 06:40:30
From the establishment of the United States after the American Revolution until the Spanish-American War,U.S.foreign policy remained isolationism focused; however,by the late 19th century,as the outpu...
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