初中英语短文My hobby
Hello!My name is Xiaoming.I’m a basketball fan.But I used to be a movie fan.My interests are changing all the time.I used to enjoy playing computer game,and I wasn’t interested in sports at all.But now,my hobby is doing sports like basketball and reading news.And I never miss any important basketball games.I used to know little about paintings.But now I like collecting them.
Do you share my interests?
人气:193 ℃ 时间:2020-03-21 17:22:41
my hobbies are reading news and doing sports,for example,playing basketball.
最好把短的内容放在句子前面一点 这样看起来更清晰 还有就是你有不止一个hobby 所以应该用are~
另外一个小问题就是 used to这个短语用的太频繁了点.
还有就是最后一句do you share my interests 因为我不清楚你到底是想表达什么意思嘛 所以也不好改 请问你是打算说“你有和我相同的兴趣吗?”还是“你愿意和我分享我的爱好吗?”如果是前一种 那么这句没问题 如果是后一种 那么就像二楼说的那样应该改为will you share my interests