> 英语 >
1.No act of kindness,no matter how small,is ___wasted.(Aesop)
a.ever b.never c.forever d whenever
2.It is not who is right,but what is right,___is of importance.(Thomas Huxley)a.which b.it c.that d.this
3.I am only; but still i am one.I cannot do ___,but still i can do something.I will not refuse to do ___I can do.
a.all,what b.anything,something c.everything,those d.everything,the something
4.Thirty years later,the Nobel Prize winner returned to his hometown ____.a.to be a world-known physicist b.being a world-known physicist c.as a world-known physicist d.a world-known physicist
因为我有答案 所以 再留答案的时候 一定讲一下原因
人气:330 ℃ 时间:2020-01-29 11:41:28
1.No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.---Aesop, Fables.善行不让小,从来不唐捐.所谓“莫以善小而不为”,古希腊版本似乎更注重功利性,告诉你善行决不会白费.ever:通常用於否定句和疑问句, 或...
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