> 英语 >
There were over two hundred passebgers on the plane.About one third of them were foreigners.
人气:163 ℃ 时间:2019-11-05 03:14:30
There were over two hundred passebgers on the plane,about one third of which were foreigners.那个which那地方要用who的话怎么改啊?还有一个变复合句的:He heard that his father was ill.He was anxious to go home to see him. He went to the station early in the morning to buy a ticket.which指人,可用who代替的,就在原来那个位置可以告诉我,具体的要求吗,是使用从句还是结构或者连词,因为有很多种变法,嘿嘿,谢了·~就把短句变成并列句、复合句或带有分词短语、介词短语或其他短语的句子He went to the station early in the morning to buy a ticketfor his being anxious to go home to see him onhearing that his father was ill.解释一下,ondoing 一什么就什么,for表原因,应该就可以了
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