when we want to ask somebody to stop talking ,talk本身有名词的意思,为什么加ING
人气:296 ℃ 时间:2020-06-20 18:30:38
这里做动词 stop doing sth
- want后加什么形式的interj wangt后加v.ing(动名词)吗?(不是want to)
- oh you have to work today?i want to ask you if you want to do something when you have freetime?
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- first,ask the way,when,say,want,what,you,must,you,to连词成句
- 合并为含有宾语从句的复合句 1 they ask me.what does San do?2 I want to know.When can you get home
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- Join the sentences together,using but,or,and,or so.
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