用(someone/somebody,anyone/anybody,no one/nobody,something,anything,nothing,none填空
1、My mother looked worried about ____,but I didn't know what it was.
2、Would you like to talk to____about it?
3、There was____in her handbag.It was empty.
4、I bought a nice gift for my cousin,but I didn't want to tell____who it was for.
5、We wanted to buy some ice-cream ,but there was ___left .
6、Is there_____in the fitting room?No,there is ____in.
7、Look!____there dropped 50 yuan on the road.
人气:491 ℃ 时间:2019-12-19 03:43:08
1、My mother looked worried about 【something】,but I didn't know what it was.
2、Would you like to talk to 【someone/somebody】about it?
3、There was【nothing】in her handbag.It was empty.
4、I bought a nice gift for my cousin,but I didn't want to tell 【anyone】who it was for.
5、We wanted to buy some ice-cream ,but there was 【none】left .
6、Is there 【anyone】in the fitting room?No,there is 【no one/nobody】in.
7、Look!【Someone】there dropped 50 yuan on the road.
- 用someone/somebody,anyone/anybody,no one/nobody,something,anything,nothing,none填空
- (something ,nothing ,anywhere ,nobody ,anything ,somebody ,anybody ,none)
- 用everyone、 everybody、 everything、 no one、nobody、nothing、someone、somebody、something造句 谢
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- somebody something some one / anything anybody anyone /nothing nobody noone/everything everybody
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