remember that they don't really want to make htings difficult for you翻译
人气:451 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 13:02:23
- people like to talk about first.they like to remember 翻译
- questions like this can be difficult to anwer ,but try not to show that they get to you.翻译
- They don't make them like that anymore,do they?中译英?
- There is something inside.hat they can't get to.that they can't touch.that's yours.翻译 .
- I don't like to see you like that,really!
- 奇函数f(x)的定义域为R,且在[0,+∞)上为增函数.则是否存在m,使f(2t^2-4)+f(4m-2t)>f(0)对于t∈[0,1]均成立?若存在,求出m的范围;若不存在,请说理由【这个t属于0.1有什么意义吗?为什么计算时好像1没有用
- primary and secondary markets是什么意思
- 若定义一种运算符号*为:a*b=a+b-ab-1,定义运算符号@为a@b=a的平方+ab-b的平方,计算:2*(3@4)的结果为?