> 英语 >
1.This is( )family.( )am a student.( )like( )father very much and he loves( ),too.Look!what's that on( )desk?Oh,it's a pen.It's( )(I)
2.What's( )name?( )look like my brother.( )are my new classmate.This is( )desk,please sit down.And the books are( ),too.(you)
3.Who are( ( )are tom's friends.I know( )(they)( )names are Jack and John.
4.Who's the boy?( )is a student of class two.Look.It's( )classroom.( )is a good student,so everyone like( ).(he)
1.I( )(like)( )(play)sports.I ofter( )(do)sports nith Jim.He( )(like)basketball.He( )(be)fat.so he( )(want)( )(play)it every day.It( )(be)good for our health.Now,I( )(be)busy( )(do)my homework,after it,I can( )(watch)TV.I like( )(watch)TV very much.I( )(not like)doing my homework for a long time.Jim( )(not like)it,etther.
人气:489 ℃ 时间:2020-06-30 12:01:04
1.代词1.This is(my )family.( I)am a student.( I)like( my)father very much and he loves(me ),too.Look!what's that on(my )desk?Oh,it's a pen.It's(mine )(I)2.What's(your )name?(you )look like my brother.( you)are my new classmate.This is( ryou)desk,please sit down.And the books are(yours ),too.(you)3.Who are(they )?(they )are tom's friends.I know( them)(they)(their )names are Jack and John.4.Who's the boy?( he)is a student of class two.Look.It's(his)classroom.(he )is a good student,so everyone like( him).(he)2.动词1.I(like)(playing)sports.I often(do)sports nith Jim.He(likes)basketball.He( is)fat.so he(wants)(to play)it every day.It(is )good for our health.Now,I(am )busy(doing)my homework,after it,I can(watch)TV.I like(watching)TV very much.I(don't like)doing my homework for a long time.Jim( doesn't like)it,etther.
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