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now and then 作文80词左右,初三水平
人气:471 ℃ 时间:2020-05-11 18:03:18
Iran and the U.S.are still not happy with each other,but at least Siegfried and Roy have made up with that tiger.And fans say ...goodbye to the radio pausemeister,Paul Harvey.Just some of the stories Yahoo!Buzz users found compelling this weekend...
Magician-Tiger relations on the rise
The Bible speaks of a harmonious time,when the lion lies down with the lamb.But what about when the tiger makes peace with the flamboyant Germans?We speak of Siegfried and Roy,those tiger-taming illusionists whose act disappeared six years ago after their co-star,a 380-pound feline named Montecore,mauled and critically injured Roy during a performance.But Saturday night in Las Vegas,Siegfried,Roy,and Montecore reunited to perform one last illusion,earning a standing ovation and a fond farewell.The ABC news program "20/20" will air the performance on Friday night.
Iran to Hollywood:Two thumbs down
Never mind that nuclear spat; can U.S.-Iran relations overcome the Mickey Rourke divide?Javad Shamaqdari,the art and cinema adviser to Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,on Sunday demanded an apology from a visiting U.S.film-industry group for what he called insulting treatment of Iran in the movies "300" and "The Wrestler." Iranians (and some reviewers) did not appreciate the depiction in "300" of their ancestors who fought against the Greeks in the battle of Thermopylae as evil,decadent,and effeminate.In "The Wrestler," Mickey Rourke plays a broken-down grappler battling a nemesis called The Ayatollah,who tries to choke him with an Iranian flag.Neither movie was exhibited in Iran.
The end of the story
Buzz users did some heavy clicking on news reports this weekend that radio legend Paul Harvey had died,at the age of 90.Some will best remember Harvey for the impression comedian Rich Hall did of him in the '80s.But the broadcaster was on the air for more than 60 years,at his peak heard by more than 24 million listeners on over 1,200 stations,and his syndicated column was read in 300 newspapers.Harvey's signature delivery and long pauses in the middle of a sentence on his show,"The Rest of the Story," will be missed by many.
Also buzzing this weekend ...
Yahoo!News is following the search for a missing fishing boat with NFL players Corey Smith and Marquis Cooper on board.
Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius is President Obama's choice for secretary of health and human Services.
Oh my.Are Chris Brown and Rihanna hanging out again?
Now i'm a student of grade 3.Study is more important,but I'll never give up.I believe that impossible is nothing.Now i must study more harder.i'm not study very hard before but now I'll study hard .please bileve me.
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