As a coin,both methods have advantage and disadvantage.To work in a big company we can open our eyes,abtain new knowledge,make many friends.And most important,big company is professional and well organized in his industry,this will benefit us a lot.But of course we have to over come the difficulty of traffic,relationship problem,high pressure,etc.
Working at home is much more comfortable and convenient,as we can save much time on the road,enjoy ourself whenever we're free,and most work can be done through internet.However,we may not able to feel each other when we're in a long distance,as we're face to face,and communication is hard to make,and worse easily misunderstanding will occur.That's also why currently most companies and organizations have a certain office for everyone's working.Some white-van men may prefer work at home to save cost,but for sure when his staff become more and more he must have an office.
For me,I prefer working in the company,coz working includes much more than information exchanging.And I like to see the people when I say something coz in the meantime I can see if he understand and agree or not.