I have no enough time to listen to you to explain the problem.
I find interesting to play with children.
He is the last ask me the question.
He went home in a hurry only find that nothing happened there.
I would rather to have the small one than the large one.
He's likely telling his mother the truth.
It is excited watch the football match.
In order making the world a friendly place,one must show a friendly face.
The menu has so many good things!I can't decide how to eat.
人气:306 ℃ 时间:2020-01-29 00:04:59
I have no enough time to listen to you to(把to去掉) explain the problem.I find(加上it) interesting to play with children.He is the last(加上to) ask me the question.He went home in a hurry only(...
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- the other
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