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I learn ( )Chinese history ( )beijing Opera括号填什么
人气:263 ℃ 时间:2019-09-05 16:36:01
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我从京剧中了解了中国的历史they go shopping ()weekends填什么介词on在星期 周末前面都用onplease call zhang hong() 622-3455这个填什么介词at还有没有 一次发过来I often go to movies()my friends.the t-shirt is()sale()25yuan.they have blue shirts()45yuan.we have shorts()a very good price---only 30yuan.I want to have a look()the sweater.都填介词,因为我是手打的,所以还有我打不了I often go to movies(with)my friends.the t-shirt is(on)sale(for)25yuan.they have blue shirts(for)45yuan.we have shorts(at)a very good price---only 30yuan.I want to have a look(at)the sweater.He likes to listen()music.Come and see()yourself here.I have lots()potatoes.Tell me()your morning.Lin Ming usually watches volleyball games()TV.Can you bring some things to school()me?Please take this eraser()Li Ming.There is a bed()the bookcase and the dresser.Do you need bags()sports?都填介词He likes to listen(to)music.Come and see(for)yourself here.I have lots(of)potatoes.Tell me(about)your morning.Lin Ming usually watches volleyball games(on)TV.Can you bring some things to school(for)me?Please take this eraser(to)Li Ming.There is a bed(between)the bookcase and the dresser.Do you need bags(for)sports?楼主过分了啊 没有这么问问题的 给加点分吧
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