> 英语 >
人气:258 ℃ 时间:2020-04-08 01:00:12
crocodile n.鳄鱼
shark n.鲨鱼
hand n.协助;手
have a look at 看...一眼
alongside prep.在…的旁边,沿着…
detail n.细节
grape n.葡萄
ham n.火腿
lamb n.小羊肉
outback n. 内陆
relative n.家人,亲戚
sheep n.绵羊
spirit n.灵魂;神灵
surfing n.冲浪
wine n.(葡萄)酒
helicopter n.直升机
purple n.紫色a.紫色的
similar a.相似的,类似的
similar to 同...相似
ours pron.我们的
cricket n.板球(运动)
rugby n.橄榄球
sunshine n.阳光
expression n.短语,表达方式
mate n.同伴
temper n.脾气
lifestyle n.生活方式
water sports 水上运动
grey n./a.灰色(的)
ancestor n.祖先,先人


on the left在左边
on the right在右边
trouble n.麻烦
kid v.开玩笑
expect v.盼望
pick up 接;拣起
even though即使
movement n.运动,动作
feature n.以...为特点
include vt.包括
congratulationn. 祝贺
photographern. 摄影师
presentvt.授予 n.礼物
frightened adj. 吓坏的

cartoon n.卡通
flash n.闪光;闪光灯
drawing n.图画
over there 那边
word n.言语
have a word with 和某人说几句话
cute adj.逗人喜爱的,漂亮的
heaven n.天堂,天国
lovable a.可爱的
mess n.混乱;杂乱
monster n.怪物
private a.私人的;秘密的
heart n.心脏,心
win the heart of 赢得...的心
everywhere ad.在各个地方;处处
handbag n. 手提包
favourite n.喜爱的东西(或人) a.特别喜欢的
lead v.领导
rule n.统治
peach n.桃子
common a.常用的
boss n.老板,雇主
surface n.表面
ever since 从...开始
Belgian a.比利时的 n. 比利时人
cartoonist n.漫画家,卡通画家
series n.系列
experience v.&n.经历,体验
creator n.创造者
late a.逝世的;迟的
single a.单一的

fitness n.健康
ache v.&n.疼,痛
exercise n.锻炼,练习
running n.跑步
weight n.重量
weight lifting 举重
give up 放弃
unlikely a.不太可能的
bump v.碰,撞击
bump into v. 碰见
interest v. 感兴趣 n.兴趣
junk food 垃圾食品
sugar n.糖
tasty a.美味的,好吃的
menu n.菜单
chip n.薯条
behave v.表现
pasta n.意大利面食
persuade vt.说服
cooking n. 烹饪
ban vt. 禁止
educate vt.教育
typical a.典型的
disadvantage n.缺点
diet n.日常饮食
advertise v.做广告,登广告

population n.人口
crowd n.人群
increase v.增加
smoke n.烟,烟雾 v.吸烟
increasing a. 增长的
along with 与…一起
minute n.分钟
percent n.百分之一
appointment n.约会
thanks to 由于
crime n.犯罪
flat n.(英)公寓
law n.法律
rubbish n.垃圾
suburb n.城郊住宅区
tax n.税
vision n.景象,幻影
add v.增加
add to 向...增加
fault n.错误
police n.警察
Module7 1.on one’s way back from 从…回来的路上on one’s way to 在某人去…的路上 2.be similar to = be like与…相似 3.be full of装满… be filled with 装满… fill … with把…用…装满 4.a great place to visit一个观光的好去处 5.“any other+单数名词” 表示前面已提到的人或事物以外的任何一个人或事物. 多用于同一范围内相比较.如果表示不同范围的两个人或物比较时, 通常用any+单数名词 Changjiang River is longer than any other river in China. (同一范围)在中国长江比任何一条其他的河流都长. Changjiang River is longer than any riverin India. (不同范围)长江比印度的任何一条河流都长. 6.get used to= be used to used to do 过去常常做某事过去常常做某事过去常常做某事过去常常做某事,过去曾做某事过去曾做某事过去曾做某事过去曾做某事 例 I used to work in this factory. 我曾在这家工厂工作我曾在这家工厂工作我曾在这家工厂工作我曾在这家工厂工作. 而而而而be used to 分两种情况分两种情况分两种情况分两种情况 be used to do 是被用以来做某事是被用以来做某事是被用以来做某事是被用以来做某事 例例例例:This notebook is used to record the slang. 这个笔记本是用来记录俚语的这个笔记本是用来记录俚语的这个笔记本是用来记录俚语的这个笔记本是用来记录俚语的. be used to doing 是习惯于做某事是习惯于做某事是习惯于做某事是习惯于做某事 例例例例:He was used to living alone several month later. 几个月后他就习惯了一几个月后他就习惯了一几个月后他就习惯了一几个月后他就习惯了一个人生活了个人生活了个人生活了个人生活了. 除此之外除此之外除此之外除此之外 used for 后面一般接后面一般接后面一般接后面一般接(用途 )used as 是作为是作为是作为是作为used in 是被运用在某地方是被运用在某地方是被运用在某地方是被运用在某地方used by 是被某某所用是被某某所用是被某某所用是被某某所用 例:English is used
{ for communicating. { as a second language. { in the world . {by Chinese.
7. be proud to/of 为…而自豪 8.get along相处 9.by hand 手工的hand in hand手拉手 on the other hand 另一方面give sb. a hand 给某人帮助 hand in 提交,交给 hand up 举手10. go surfing 去冲浪 11.a bad temper 坏脾气 12. be surprised at对…感到惊讶 13. on the first day在第一天 14.specialexpressions 特别的表达方式 15.for a few weeks 持续几周 16.drop by 顺便走访 17.go off爆炸,(闹钟,雷)开始响起来离开,消失 Module 8 1.(be) in trouble 处于困境中 have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难 2. get sb./sth.doing sth.让某人、某物做某事Can you really get that old car gong again?你真的能让那辆旧的小汽车再跑起来吗? 3.get on 进展,相处,上车Everything was getting on very well.一切进展顺利 get on with sb. 与某人相处 get on with sth.在某方面进展 4.pick up 接,载,接受,收拾,捡I’ve ordered a taxi to pick me up at ten. 我已经叫了一辆出租车10点钟来接我. A pen is on the floor, please pick it up.地板上有一支钢笔,请把它捡起来. 5.be pleased with =be satisfied with对…感到满意 be pleased to do sth.乐于做某事be pleased at/about sth.对某物感到高兴 6.even though=even if 即使,虽然 as though=as if 似乎 好像 7.manage 作动词 意为“控制,管理”在此意为“设法做到…”含有成功之意manage to do sth.想方设法做成某事. 8.in with a chance to do sth.=have a chance to do sth. 9.don’t have to=needn’t不必We don’t have to/needn’t put on our overcoats, if the weather is warm. Module 9 1.have a word with sb. 和某人说句话,和…谈话 have words with sb.与某人吵架 in a word总之,简言之 break one’s word失信,食言 in other word 也就是说,换句话说 2.be in trouble 陷入困境in deep trouble 陷入很大的麻烦 3.return to = come/go back to 4.ever since 自从…以来,从…开始 He has kept up his study ever since the year 1980. 自从1980年以来他一直坚持学习. 5.go over 外出访问,顺便… 6.fan club 影迷俱乐部 7.translate…into=put…into 将…翻译成… 8.a common expression 俗语,常用语 9.experience动词:经历,体验I experienced many things during the trip. 在旅途中我经历了许多事情.不可数名词:经验,体验She has no experience of life at all.她毫无生活经验. 可数名词:经历,阅历We had many interesting experiences while traveling in Africa.我们在非洲旅行时有许多有趣的经历. 10. leave children on their own 让孩子独自呆着 11.of one’s own (某人)自己的on one’s own 独自的,独立的 He has a house of his own ,and the house was built on his own last year. 12.laughing matter 可笑的事情make you laugh使你大笑 I feel that life is no laughing matter.人生绝非是开玩笑的事情. 13.win the heart of 赢得…的心 by heart用心lose heart灰心,沮丧 heart to heart坦诚相对 put one’s heart into全神贯注 14. celebrate a birthday 庆祝生日 15.ask for要求… 16.be able to do sth. 能做某事 17.learn from 向…学习 18.hear about听说19.fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 Module10 1.fitness=health n.fit=healthy adj. 2.give up放弃 give up doing sth.=drop sth.=stop doing sth. 3.stay fit/healthy 保持健康=keep fit/healthy=get fit 4.exercise不可数名词 5. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 6. persuade sb. to do sth.(成功)劝说某人做某事 7. in order to 为了… 8. put on weight 长胖 lose weight 减肥 gain weight 增加体重 9. one of +形容词最高级+名词复数“最…之一” 10. bump into 碰见 11. weight training举重训练 12. healthy food 健康食品 junk food 垃圾食品 13. improve school dinners 改善学校的伙食 14. decide to do sth.决定做某事 15. be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事 16. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 17. amazing results惊人的结果 18. the ways to do sth.做某事的方法19. treat illness 治疗疾病 20. give sb. a chance to relax给某人一次放松的机会 1. take a lot of exercise.. 2... persuade them to try...
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