“谷雨(Grain Rain),顾名思义,播谷降雨是也,是播种移苗、埯瓜点豆的最佳时节,谷雨是中国二十四节气里的第六个,每年4月20日或21日视太阳到达黄经30°时为谷雨.此时雨水增多,大大有利于谷类农作物的生长.
"Gu yu (Rain),just as its name implies,Grain valley is also broadcast sowing,rainfall YiMiao,trapping more is the best season melon point beans,24 solar terms China gu yu is the sixth,every year on April 20 or 21 depending on the sun has reached by 30 ° as yellow gu yu.Right now the Rain increased,the growth of a great help in cereal crops.
Before and after the Chinese luoyang peony gu yu,are in full bloom jiaodong fishermen to offering the sea,sea peace,hope yourselves.
And southern agreementtea farmer is busy tea plucking.