Issac Newton was born in England. He loved science more than anything else.
One day at ten o’clock a friend of his came to have lunch with him on time. Lunch was ready. But Newton didn't come out of study. So his friend had to wait. He waited and waited. His mother didn't get angry(生气) and said, “He always does so.”
At last three hours later, his friend began eating the chicken(鸡肉). In half an hour he finished the nice meal. He thought how hard Newton worked. He really forgot(忘记) to eat and sheep.
Another hour later Newton left his study for lunch. When he saw the bones(骨头) of chicken, he left the table. He went back to his study and he put his heart into his work again.
When his friend came to see him in the evening, he was still working in his study. There his friend saw piles(堆) and piles of paper. On every piece of paper were all numbers and letters. No one could tell how long it took Newton to finish writing all the piles of paper.
41. That day ____
A. a friend of Newton’s went to see him himself
B. Newton asked his friend to have lunch
C. Newton would not receive his friend
D. Newton and his friend were in the same room
42. Old Mrs Newton knew _____
A. her son was not politeB. her son had no watch
C. her son was busy with his work
D. her son had already had lunch
43. The word “study” in this story means _____
A. 书房 B. 学习C. 研究 D. 学科
44. Newton’s friend finished the meal _____.
A. that morningB. that evening
C. at ten o’clockD. at half past one in the afternoon
45. Newton’s friend finished the meal _____
A. he thought he had his lunchB. he did not feel hungry at all
C. his friend had left there D. his friend did not wait for him
人气:276 ℃ 时间:2020-06-08 13:29:12
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