> 其他 >
I've got a friend called Kevin Dee,And he's a star on TV.Just switch on the telly And watch for a while And there he is with a big,big smile.
He's eating sweets,First one,then two,And then he stops and looks at you.He smiles and says,"I love these sweets,"And then he eats and eats and eats.
Thousands of children Like you and me Want to have what they see on TV.They go and buy big bags of the sweets That Kevin eats and eats and eats.
But what Kevin says on TV is not true.He doesn't like sweets like me and you.He only eats them on TV.I know,'cause Kevin goes to school with me!
人气:325 ℃ 时间:2020-09-30 18:26:59
我有一个叫Kevin Dee的朋友,他是一个电视明星.只要打开电视然后换一会台你就可以看到他带着一个大大的微笑在那.他在吃糖,先一个,再两个,然后他停下来看着你.说道:"我喜欢这些糖',然后不停地吃.成千上万的孩子,像我和...
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