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最好中英文对照 主要介绍下法国有名的建筑物
人气:420 ℃ 时间:2019-12-19 02:49:52
France lies in the heart of Europe with a total area of 551000 square kilometers and a population of 57,500,000. French borders on Italy, Switzerland and Monaco in the east and Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg in the northeast and Spain, Andorra in the Southwest and England to the Northwest. French is symmetrical hexagon. Its three sides are near sea and three sides are near land. Its boundary line is 5300 kilometers and coastline is about 3120 kilometers. Basically French is a plain country. 80% of its territory is plain and hill. Plain land at an elevation of below 250 meters is about 60% of its total areas. Hills between 200 to 250 are about 20% while more than 500 is about 20%. The terrain is low in northwest and high in southeast.
French is the first tourism country in the world. In this romantic country, you can enjoy famous snacks and grape wine, at the same time you can also enjoy beautiful rural scenery or significant Medieval castle or the joy of skiing in snowcap Alps or you may swim in the attractive blue sea and feel the glamour of this romantic capital which is filled with cultural and modern taste.
When talking about France, we can’t ignore the culture of French food and drink. The food and drink in France enjoys a long lasting fame for its long history, various and dainty kinds, and unique character. Its cooking skills are the second to none among the western style food, of which the French feel proud. More than half of great cooks in the European first class of large restaurants are Frenchmen From the emperor Louis fourteen in the history France has formed an important and continuously developing banquet foreign policy. These well-arranged delicacies and cakes are called French style banquet. Two hundred dishes can be put on the table once. What the Frenchmen like most are snails and frog legs. The rarest dishes are goose livers, and the common home dish is fried beefsteak with threadlike potato. In terms of drink, what the French like most is grape wine. When they have a meal, they will pay much attention to the match of dainty cakes and wine ,such as meat with red grape wine .fish with white grape wine and so on. Besides Frenchmen are fond of cheese Cheeses with different taste reach more than 400. It’s consumption quantity ranks first in the world, therefore France was given the name of “ Kingdom of Cheese”.
法国是在欧洲的中心与总面积五十五万一平方公里和人口5750.0万.法国边界对意大利,瑞士和摩纳哥在东部和德国,比利时和卢森堡在东北部和西班牙,安道尔在西南地区和英格兰向西北.法国是对称的六边形.其三,两岸近海和三方都附近的土地.其边界线是五三○○公里和海岸线约三一二〇公里.基本上法语是一种朴素的国家. 80 %的在其领土上是平原和山区.平原土地在海拔250米以下的60 %左右,其总面积.山之间的200至250大约20 % ,而500人以上是20 %左右.地形低,西北高,在东南亚.
在谈到法国,我们不能忽视文化的法国食品和饮料.食品和饮料在法国享有持久的成名作,其悠久的历史,不同的和讲究种,和独特的性格.其烹饪技能是第二首屈一指之间的西式食品,其中,法国感到自豪.一半以上的大厨师,在欧洲一流的大型餐厅从法国皇帝路易十四在法国的历史,已形成一个重要的和不断发展的宴会外交政策.这些安排的美味佳肴和糕点是所谓法国式的宴会. 200菜可以提上表一次.什么法国人最喜欢是蜗牛和青蛙腿.罕见的菜鹅的肝脏,和共同的家园菜是油炸牛排与threadlike马铃薯.在条款喝酒,什么法语一样,最重要的是葡萄酒.当他们有一餐,他们将高度重视,比赛讲究的蛋糕和葡萄酒,如肉类与红葡萄酒.鱼,干白葡萄酒等.除了法国人喜爱奶酪的奶酪,与不同的品味达到400多个.它的消费量居世界第一位,因此,法国获得的名称“奶酪之国” .
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