For most of readers flat characters always serve as a foil to round characters with no complex monologue or character development,and thus should not be regarded as round characters.Flat characters are simple and always show their personalities straight away,whether good or bad.They are present in every novel.The Kite Runner has several flat characters as well.One of them is Rahim Khan.He took pleasure in figuring out other people’s talent and encourages them.To be fair and treat others with no discrimination based on their race are kind hearted Rahim Khan’s idealities.He was also a good teacher in life and taught his students how to be live life in the right way,correcting “student’s” mistake in life.Rahim Khan’s actions not only help with character development,but also demonstrated to readers the right method to live and the values a virtuous person should behold.
One of Rahim Khan’s virtues is compassion as he was always willing to help poor people,notice their advantages and inspires people to utilize their “God-given talent“(Page 42).This compassion is further evident in Rahim Khan's willingness to read Amir’s first story when Baba refused to do so (Page 40,41),encourage him to keep writing through a letter(Page 42); and listen to Hassan retelling his rape (Page 385) and consoles him.Rahim Khan’s encouragement helped decided Amir to decide his future job and it was a right choice.However,did Rahim Khan know that Amir was great at literacy in the first place?Of course not,he just wanted to help a poor child and give him some confidence.Rahim Khan was willing to help others no matter who was in need.
Rahim Khan tried to help everyone around him,even the Hazara.The reason for Rahim Khan's difference to other Pashtuns is that he would treat the Hazaras the same as Pashtuns.From his point of view,everyone is equal regardless of whichever race they are from or belong to.That is why he could talk about his romance with a Hazara woman to Amir at Amir’s birthday party (Page 126-128); why he went to find Hassan and lived with Hassan and his family (Page 259-261).Compare to Amir’s initial attitude to Hassan,Rahim Khan was a hundred percent antiracism.For him,skin color and race cannot prevent love between people and everyone has a deep and pure soul even if they make some mistakes in their lives.
以上是我修改后的.有些句子除了语法有一点问题之外,有些地方用词也不对,但都帮你改了.就是有一个地方不大明白你的意思“taught how to be on the right of life”,就按照上下文写了.还有就是有些句子没有必要分成两部分,就帮你改了改.