The investigation is the latest aimed at Google and other technology companies to have surfaced in recent weeks and suggested that the Obama administration was taking a more aggressive stance toward antitrust enforcement
长句语法说多了都是泪,而且还听不懂,直接跟你说吧,to是跟着latest的,把中间的那些个删掉,整个句子就变成the investigation is the latest to have surfaced...怎样?看明白了吧?
The investigation is the latest /aimed at Google and other technology companies/ to have surfaced in recent weeks and suggested that the Obama administration was taking a more aggressive stance toward antitrust enforcement
后半句不用我断了吧?“说多了都是泪”看来朋友你是过来人,而且现在已经出师了啊。还请指点下,the latest和surfaced怎么翻译意思比较接近么?后者我想“浮出水面”是比较合适了,但是“the latest”怎么想都想不出来怎么解释正确。