> 英语 >
人气:265 ℃ 时间:2020-03-31 16:25:50
off-farm workers是一种说法.
但我还是比较喜欢migrant rural workers 或者
migrant workers,顺口~
“农民工”的英译可谓五花八门,仅笔者见过的就有peasant workers,migrant workers,rural workers,farmers-turned construction workers等.笔者认为,上述译法均有不足.早在上个世纪七十年代,许多英语母语人士就指出,将汉语中“农民”译为peasant不妥,应该用farmer一词.当时的中学英语课本中就有the poor and lower-middle peasants(贫下中农)的说法.而rural workers的意思则不够明确,很容易产生歧义,人们很容易将其理解为rural labours;至于farmers-turned construction workers的译法,其主要问题是界定范围太窄,不能涵盖“农民工”的所指范围.migrant workers这一译法国内英文媒体常采用,但九十年代末联合国的一份文件(Fact Sheet No.24,The Rights of Migrant Workers)却给出了如下定义:The term "migrant worker" refers to a person who is to be engaged,is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national.显然,migrant workers此处是指“国外来的打工者”.
其实,英语中就有off-farm income,off-farm employment及off-farm work等说法,其中off-farm work是指农民离开土地到城里所从事的工作,如果这类工作是季节性的,可以说seasonal off-farm work,如果是长期工则说permanent off-farm work.请看下面的例句:
1)However,in almost all cases the off-farm work was of a seasonal nature,lasting no more than 6 to 8 weeks.
2)Factory work provided most of the off-farm work but many part-time farmers were tradesmen and managers in business.
3)The type of off-farm work varied but many were in an oil-related industry,working shifts at Flotta oil terminal.
综上所述笔者认为,将汉语中的“农民工”翻译为off-farm workers比较合适.
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