> 英语 >
人气:400 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 21:51:52
English (English) is one of United Nations's working languages,is also the international communication language in fact.English belongs to the Indo-European languages under the Germanic branch west Germanic branch,and colonizes the activity through Britain to disseminate the world.Because in the history once and many kinds of national language contact,its glossary became many Yuan from one Yuan,the grammar became “the few inflections” from “the multi-inflections”,the pronunciation has also had the regular change.According to takes mother tongue's population computation by English,English possibly is in the world the third big language,but it is in the world the most widespread second language.In the world 60% above letters are with English writing,on two century Britain and the US in cultural,the economical,the military,political and the science leading position enable English to become one international language.
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