1 她昨晚 工作到 深夜才睡
She stayed up late to work last night.
2 她昨晚 工作到 凌晨4点才睡,现在还在休息.
She didn't sleep till 4 a.m.this morning,and now still not up.
3 她昨晚 写稿子 / 设计报纸,直到凌晨4 点才睡.
She kept writing script(designing newspaper layout) till 4 a.m.this morning.
4 那个女孩忙着工作,连午饭也没有吃.
That girl was up to her ears in work,and even skipped the lunch.
5 他 一直工作到 吃午饭的时候.
He kept working till the time for lunch