> 英语 >
IF we could live in a world of superheroes,we might see Spider-Man hanging
1.Who has the ability to hang on buildings?
A.Ironman B.Batman C.Spider-Man D.Green Lantern 2.Who wants to destroy the Earth?
A.Ironman B.Green Lantern C.Jordan D.Parallax 3.Jordan returns to the Earth for the following reasons EXCEPT that________.A.Green Lanterns don't trust him B.he likes to live on the Earth C.he feels worried and frightened D.he can't use his power well.,4.The article is probably from____________.
A.a novel B.the history of Green Lantern C.a film advertisement D.the story of supermen
If we could live in a world of superheroes,we might see Spider-Man hanging on buildings and Batman beating up bad people.Up in the sky,we could run into Superman,Ironman and the Green Lantern(绿灯侠).
人气:348 ℃ 时间:2019-12-20 18:13:10
1,C 蜘蛛侠有挂在建筑物上的能力12,D 在浩瀚无垠,神秘莫测的宇宙中,有一支拥有强大力量的精英团体,几个世纪以来,他们一直是正义与和平的坚强守卫者,被称作绿灯军团.每一个团员都曾立下誓言,誓死维护星系间的和谐与...
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