造句1 cut in line 2 right away 3 get annoy 4 turn down 5 in a minute 6 all the time
人气:175 ℃ 时间:2020-04-11 16:44:49
1.Please wait in line and don't cut in line.2.I will hand in my homework right away.3.If you cut in line,other people will get annoyed.4.The baby is sleeping,please turn down the TV.5.I 'll be back in...
- 造句1 cut in line 2 right away 3 get annoy 4 turn down 5 in a minute 6 all the time
- 翻译用turn down 造句
- turn down ,turn in,trun out,trun over ,trun to ,trun up造句
- 用all the time 造句
- 用all the time造句
- 按部就班,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,三头六臂,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,粗制滥造.
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