the number of the students is_____
A large B small C good D great 另外问题2:对填空的类容进行提问 怎么说 可以说:“ how large is the number of the students?
人气:460 ℃ 时间:2019-12-06 08:16:15
重点:形容数量可用large和great,但不可用big,例如,a large amount of blood on the floor(地板上的一大滩血),the coming of tourists in great numbers(大量游客的到来).big和great均可用于强调强烈程度,但great更为正式,例如,It gives me great pleasure to welcome you(能欢迎您的到来是我的莫大荣幸),Most of them act like big fools(他们中大多数人都表现得像大傻瓜).至于small,形容数量小,是可以的.
如果是对large,small,good,great进行提问的话,不能用how large/small/godd/great...来提问,应该只用how来进行提问即可.how is the number of the students?翻译:学生的数量怎样?因为那几个词都是形容词,所以提问的话应该用how.
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