> 英语 >
Night gathers,and now my watch begins.
It shall not end until my death.
I shall take no wife,hold no land,father no children.
I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.
I shall live and die at my post.
I am the sword in the darkness.
I am the watcher on the walls.
I am the fire that burns against the cold,the light that wakes the sleepers,the shield that guards the realms of men.
I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch,for this night ,and all the nights to come.
希望 语言优美、押韵,另有感谢
那个翻译我也知道,其实我指的主要是“the light that wakes the sleepers” 这一句.“破晓时分的光线,唤醒面这的号角”感觉怪怪的,不完全是直译,而且句子成分不同,读起来很拗口.
求the light that wakes the sleepers的翻译,希望与前后两句结构、成分相同,读着很顺畅.
人气:163 ℃ 时间:2020-05-25 03:16:05
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