> 英语 >
完形填空 Let me tell you something about my little dog snoopy.Snoopy is an American _46__.He looks very __47__.He has _48__small eyes,two big ears,four short legs and a small tail.It's great___49_playing with him.I ofen teach him how to __50_games.Now he can play many __51_ games If say.“Go to sleep!” he goes to his bed and lies(躺)down.If I say “___52_basketball!” he goes to catch(抓住)a ball and put it into a basket.If I say,“please_53__for us!” then he dances to the music.Can he sing a song?One of my friends asks me.Of course he can.But he does not __54__ in English or Chinese.When he sings,____55_ can understand(听懂)him.()46.A.cat B.tiget C.dog D.pig ()47.A.lazy B.cute C.excited D.dangerous ()48.A.some B.three C.many D.two ()49.A.story B.success C.fun D.dog ()50.A.get B.make C .play D.do ()51.A.kinds of B.kind of C.piece of D.pairs of ()52.A.do B.have C.catch D.play ()53.A.sing B.say C.dance D.speak ()54.A.sing B.say C.dance D.teach ()55.A.somebody B.many people C.nobody D.some people
人气:362 ℃ 时间:2019-11-24 03:59:18
CBDCC BCADAC后五个是BCDAC哦47题为什么选B因为形容狗的外贸,第一个狗懒,第二个事可爱,第三个是兴奋,第四个事危险,然后后面说明全是在介绍狗有两个小眼睛,耳朵等,所以证明不了它懒、兴奋或是危险,只能形容可爱能不能帮我把整片文章翻译一次等一下啊让我来告诉你一些关于我的狗S得事情,S是一个美国狗,他看起来很可爱,有两个小眼睛,两个大耳朵,四个小短腿和一条小尾巴,和他玩很有趣,我经常教它怎么玩游戏,现在它会玩很多种游戏,如果我说去睡觉,它会跑到床上并且躺下,如果我说,去抓篮球,它会跑去抓球并且投向蓝里,如果我说请为我们跳舞,它会开始跳舞,我的一个朋友问我,它会唱歌吗?我说、当然可以,但是它说的不是英语或是汉语,当他唱歌时,没人能听懂。大概就是这意思
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