do开头:Do you like my hairstyle?你喜欢我的发型吗?
Do they want a master like me?他们想要一个像我这样的专家吗?
Does he/she have the same coat?他/她也有一样的外套吗?
Do we need him?我们需要他吗?
刚想起来do开头的还有表示命令的语气:Do not close the door.不要关上门.
Do close the door,please.请一定要关上门.
Do what you want .做你想做的事.
is开头:Is it the end?这就是结果吗?
Is he/she a cook?他/她是厨师吗?
am开头:Am I stupid?我蠢吗?
Am I happy?我开心吗?
Am I fat?我胖吗?
Am I pretty?我漂亮吗?
are开头:Are you angry with me?你生我的气了吗?
Are they going to visit me?他们要来看我吗?
Are we ready?我们准备好了吗?