> 英语 >
My relation with my parents is bad.
My parents are old revolutionaries.They are all over eighty years
old.They didn't know the love was and didn't know how to express
their love to others especially to their children.They only
knew who to fight each other.They are short of education and only
proud of taking the best fruits of the society.They seldom
educated me and brought unhappiness to me.I only remembered the
din of quarrels and curses since I knew things.They ruined my
life and destroyed my most beautiful feelings throught my child-
hood.I was still angry when I recalled they kicked me out of
the door of theirs and turned a deaf ear when I asked for their
help.They are old and need me to take care of.But I have no
heart to do so because they don't deserve being treated like
that.There is a saying that you sow beans and you get beans.
you sow nothing and you get nothing.Their wrongdoing should
be paid off in the end.Why does this axiom apply for evil
men and doesn't apply for the parents.Many net friends
criticize me that I am a ungratful man.No.What should
I be gratful to them,just because they born me.I just
want to ask specialists how I should adjust my psyche
to this social problem and know whose fault the hell
it is.Thanks in advance.
人气:175 ℃ 时间:2020-09-22 14:41:28
  哥们,我能看懂你写的,但是我不大会用英语表达,希望你能看懂中文啊.  你的问题其实很简单,你现在也想改善与父母的关系,你这种情况不是极个别现象,可以说我就碰上好几个了.  首先跟你说句古话,树欲静而风不止,...
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