What makes a number lucky?Do you have a lucky number?What is it?Many people have a special number.
They hope it can bring them good luck.In Chinese culture,people believe some rumbers are lucky or unlucky.For example,the Chinese word for the number 8 sounds similar to the phrase for“making a fortune”.So,people see it as a very lucky number.Some people spend a lot of money to have 8s in their phone numbers.The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics began at 8;08 pm on August 8,2008.What's a "bad luck"number in China?It may be 4.The word for 4 sounds similar to the word for:death".So,many Chinese see 4 as a "bad luck number".Today,many high buildings in China do not not have the fourth floor>The floor numbers go staighe form 3to5.翻译
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