> 英语 >
A true friend always ﹝keeps secrets﹞提问 There is nothing else in the fridge写出同义句He is
﹝tall and always wears a pair of glasses﹞提问 句子翻译成英文1May对别人很慷慨 2成龙从不说别人的坏话 3 因为下雨我们合撑一把伞 4Jay是最受欢迎的歌手之一5第十二课比第二十课要容易的多6 她的齐肩的头发使她看起来很漂亮 皇族◆战魂收人了,不限等级.贡献150改名300会员江苏一区
人气:299 ℃ 时间:2020-04-12 14:26:46
1what does a true friend always do?
there isn't anything else in the fridge
waht is he like?
1May is generous to the others
2ChengLong never speaks others' bad things
3because it rain,we ues an umbrela together
4Iay is one of the most famous singers.
5The twelfth is easier than the twentieth
6Her long hair which reaches her shoulder makes her look beautiful
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