A:Good morning , Jim/ Would you pleasetell us what you do recently ?
B:Well , () Then I fik then up and give them away to kids who have no money to buy their own bikes
A:() What gave you the idea ?
B:I guess I take after my father . He’s always helping people
B:I guess so . But now I’verun out of (耗尽了)money to buy old bikes
A:()Oh , that’s too bad .()
B:I need to think up some ways of getting money .()
(A.He must be proud of you
B.I often buy or find old bikes that nobody wants
C.That’s very kind of you
D. If I don’t do that , I’ll have to stop
E. What are you going to do next ?)
人气:477 ℃ 时间:2020-04-12 19:22:16
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