They arrined on the top of the mountain.这句话有错吗?有错麻烦改正,
人气:168 ℃ 时间:2020-02-20 15:06:06
They arrived at the top of the mountain.
arrive at ,到达,
on the top of ,在,的顶部,单独用作状语.可将They arrined 和 on the top of the mountain分别单独看作一个整体吗?(arrive本身也是不及物呀!)不能.不及物动词要先变为及物动词短语才能 接宾语.所以先要有arrive at ,后面再接宾语the top of the mountain.请看以下面的句子.On the top of the house, there is a flag.
- 3 They stood on the top of the mountain,____ .
- 8. They stood on the top of the mountain, (从那里能看到) the whole city. (see) 答案是from where the
- At 5:15 pm,they ___ the top of the mountain.
- 英语-是at the top of the mountain还是on the top of the mountain
- they reached the top the mountain on foof.
- 请问英语in after 能在一起用吗?
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