> 英语 >
The old conditions of travel and the new conditions of most travel of today
are exactly opposite.For in old travel,as on horseback or on foot,you
saw the contry while you travelled.Many of tyour stopping places were for
rest,or because night had fallen,and you could see nothing at night.Under
the old system,therefore,a wise traveller might keep moving from day to
day,slowly,indeed,but seeing something all the time,and learning what the
country wasthrough which he passed by talk with the people.But in the new
system,he is shut up with his party and a good many other parties in a tight
bus with glass windows,and whirled on through dust if it is dusty,or if it
is rainy,under arrangements which make it impossible to talk with the people
of the country,and almost impossible to see what that country is.
人气:201 ℃ 时间:2020-05-15 01:59:15
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