> 英语 >
1.a_____(very worried about sth.that may happen or may have happened)
2.d_____(to say what sth.or sb.is like)
3.r_____(to make sb.remember sth.that they must do)
4.r_____(to stay in the same place without moving away)
5.a_____(an arrangement for meeting or visiting sb.at a particular time)
6.m_____(a thing that people do not understand or can't explain)
7.c_____(a living thing that can move around)
8.t_____(to change speech or writing from one language into another)
9.e_____(to build or set up)
10.d_____(to give sth.useful to a person or an organization that needs help)
人气:471 ℃ 时间:2019-10-11 18:59:51
1.anxious(very worried about sth.that may happen or may have happened) 2.describe(to say what sth.or sb.is like) 3.remind(to make sb.remember sth.that they must do) 4.remain_(to stay in the same place...
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