come up with 和 come up
we are always looking at ways to enhance the broadband internet experience of the future and this time we are sure consumers will come up smelling of roses.这里的come up怎么翻译
Scientist at Telewest's labs have built on that research to come up with the diea of a "scent dome".这里的come up with 怎么翻译
人气:316 ℃ 时间:2020-03-26 05:47:58
come up with 提出意见
COME UP 跟上来.那意思是“ 我们确信消费者 跟上来 玫瑰花香味?不通哦。我们确信消费者会跟上来闻那玫瑰的香味。SMELLING OF ROSES只是一个比喻,好像也是难以理解,消费者会跟上来闻那玫瑰的香味,怎么跟上来?这个跟上来是指消费者闻到香味后跑到电脑旁来,还是说消费者闻到香味后就来买电脑?闻到玫瑰的香味是一种比喻。玫瑰很香吧? 也就是说,消费者会闻香而来的意思。酒香不怕巷子深。