> 英语 >
1.If the household does not change its consumption of
gasoline,it will be unaffected by the tax-rebate program,
because in this case the household pays 0.20*800=$160 in
taxes and receives $160 as an annual tax rebate.The two
effects would cancel each other out.To the extent that the
household reduces its gas consumption through substitution,
it must be better off.The new budget line (price change
plus rebate) will pass through the old consumption point of
800 gallons of gasoline,and any now affordable bundle that
contains less gasoline must be on a higher indifference curve.
The household will not choose any bundle with more gasoline
because these bundles are all inside the old budget line,and
hence are inferior to the bundle with 800 gallons of gas.
2.In filling a vacant position,you should be concerned
with the marginal product of the last worker hired because
the marginal product measures the effect on output,or total
product,of hiring another worker.This in turn will help to
determine the revenue generated by hiring another worker,
which can then be compared to the cost of hiring another
The point at which the average product begins to decline is
the point where average product is equal to marginal
product.When average product declines,the marginal
product of the last worker hired is lower than the average
product of previously hired workers.
Although adding more workers results in a further decline in
average product,total product continues to increase,so it
may still be advantageous to hire another worker.
人气:452 ℃ 时间:2020-03-26 10:00:06
1.如果一户家庭不改变他的汽油消费,那么他将不会受到退税的影响,因为在这种情况下,每户需支付0.20 × 800 = 160美元的税款,以及每年160美元的退税,这两个影响将相互抵消.在一定程度上说,家庭通过替代减少天然气消...
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