> 英语 >
Katy and Sandy are 1.They live in town.Katy is 2 than Sandy.She likes living in town very much.Katy thinks living in town,She thinks the lights at night are more 4 than the stars.She likes to read,and reads more 5 than Sandy.Often Katy reads until late her aunt Peggy.She often helps her aunt with her work.Sandy likes to run.She tuns 7 than katy.In the country,Sandy can run 8 than in town.She also thinks 9 in teh country is teh most 10 thing to do.
1.A.sister B.sisters C.twin sisters D.twins sisters
2.A.older B.old C.more older D.more old
3.A.interested.B.interesting C.interested.S.more interesting
4.Beautiful B.beautifuller C.beautifully D.beauty
5.A.quickB.quicker C.quicklyD.much quickly.
6.A.good B.well C.best D.better
7.A.faster B.fast C.fastly D.fastlier.
9.A.run B.runingC.ranD.running
10.A.excite B.excitedC.excitingD.more exciting.
Katy and Sandy are 1.They live in town.Katy is 2 than Sandy.She likes living in town very much.Katy thinks living in town is more 3 than living in the country.She likes the light in town.She thinks the light at night are more 4 than the stars.She likes to read,and reads more 5 than Sandy.Often Katy reads until late at night.Sandy likes the country 6 .She likes to visit her aunt Peggy.Sandy likes to run.She tuns 7 than katy.In the country,Sandy can run 8 than in town.She also thinks 9 in teh country is teh most 10 thing to do.
人气:189 ℃ 时间:2020-06-24 12:47:22
C.孪生姐妹 twin sisters
A.Katy is 2 than Sandy(Katy比 Sandy大2岁 比较级)
B.比较级 more interesting(更有趣)
A.比较级 more beautiful(更漂亮)
A.runs faster
B.比较级 更长 更远
D.跑步 双写N
C.修饰物 用ing第6题呢?
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